The agenda is continuously updated.

You will get a link sent to you via which you start choosing what Theme Discussions and Workshops you want to join. You may change your mind also during the summit if there is space left. Limited seats!

October 15th 2024

Approx timingSession overviewSpace & Moderator/Speaker name/s
08:00Registration openHotel Birger Jarl
08:45Start of CPO Outlook 2024
EBG | Network
09:00Keynote | How do you develop Supplier Relationship Management including data, processes and training?

Thierry will outline what it takes to successfully implement an SRM solution. Ensuring transparent and fit for purpose supplier data, providing comprehensive training, and offering ongoing support are crucial elements. Regularly reviewing and optimizing SRM processes and technology drives continuous improvement, enhances supplier performance, and reduces risk. KEMIRA has focused on these critical steps to ensure their SRM implementation delivers maximum value and efficiency.
Thierry Blomet
Senior Vice President, Global Sourcing
Keynote | Proactive Risk Management on a Global Scale

Volvo Group supply partners cover a global network consisting of 50,000 high performing supply chain partners from countries all over the world. In close collaboration with its suppliers, Volvo Group fosters a collaboration that drives growth, profitability, and continuous improvements. Real time visibility of supply chain risk is key to manage the complexity with a global supply chain, while delivering on promises to customers and sustainability ambitions of the Volvo Group.
To take the vision one step further and ensuring a future proof supply chain from a resilience & compliance perspective, Volvo Group has uncovered the Tier N network. Increased transparency enables detecting risks early on and taking responsibility beyond the direct supplier.
How can you successfully secure a resilient supply chain with a global network?

Enabled by Prewave
Richard Clement
Head of Risk & Crisis Management
Karl Murgård
Business Intelligence & Governance Leader Crisis & Risk Management
Volvo Group Trucks Purchasing
10:30Keynote | Harnessing Data Analytics for Compliance and Risk Management: Insights Managing Your External Workforce

The evolving landscape of your company’s total talent workforce increasingly includes a significant portion of external workers, both locally and globally. This raises important questions: How can you stay in control and gain detailed insights into your contingent workforce to ensure full compliance with European labour legislation and minimize financial risk exposure?
Anette McCarthy
Senior Manager, Indirect Procurement
Fortum Corporation
Theme Discussions 1Parallel round table discussions
After the hype: Practical uses of Generative AI in procurement 

AI has made a splash in the last two years and it is here to stay. It has been painted out as a disruptor that will determine which organizations remain competitive in the future. The reality however is still that few have figured out how to utilize AI properly to gain real efficiency benefits and even fewer can claim to have achieved competitive advantage. There are however many uses for AI in procurement and it will disrupt. Ivalua has with partners and customers developed a number of methods that can be used as is or configured to individual needs. This session is to get inspiration, share with peers where big potential with AI has been discovered and to learn.
Henrik Nyberg
Sales Director Nordics
Discussion hosted by PrewaveUlrika Hallström
Senior Advisor | Supply Chain Risk Management
Discussion hosted by Magnit
How do you drive efficiency and impact in sustainable supply chain management?

– How do you harness technology to automate processes and free up resources for more strategic tasks?
– In what way can you optimize supply chain visibility and compliance with the latest regulatory requirements?
– How can you ensure scalability as the need for insights changes?
– How can you be helped to promote effective supplier engagement and collaboration?
Sebastian Klotz
ESG Expert
How do you Engage with Suppliers as A Key to Leveraging Supply Chain Sustainability?

– How do you effectively engage your suppliers to leverage sustainability throughout your supply chain?
– Do you face push-back from the suppliers? How to overcome it?
– As more and more granular supplier data will be required – how do you make it easy for your organization to follow set-up processes?
Discussion hosted by EcoVadis
Beyond the Hype:  Practical GenAI Ideas for Procurement

– What are the challenges faced by organisations in their procurement cycle that AI may help develop?
– How can we take more data driven decisions with the help of GenAI?
– How can you evaluate if your processes and data are good enough for AI and GenAI?
– Which considerations should you do do as you explore adding AI to your procurement development toolbox?
Discussion hosted by Zycus
From Insight to Value: How do you get there?

1. What are your Procurement ‘North Stars’? What are you striving for?
2. What are the key challenges and opportunities in leveraging Procurement to support broader organizational value goals? What rocks do you still have on your shoes basically?
3. What rituals and tools can Procurement Leaders implement to maximize value creation? What’s your secret sauce? How do you demonstrate?
Stefan Barolin
Enterprise Solutions Consultant
Martijn van Melsen
Regional Sales Director Benelux & Nordics
Unleashing Value: Mastering the Art of Procurement Transformation

– How can AI support from automating repetitive tasks to analysing data for better decision-making?
– How are emerging trends and technology shaping the industry ahead?
– In what way is the role of procurement professionals evolving as business landscapes change?
Jesper Odeblom
Sr Value Solution Consultant
Discussion hosted by GEP
Discussion hosted by Keelvar
Transition time
Theme Discussions 2Same topics as during TD 1
Lunch break
Keynote | Transformation and Change Management supporting the journey towards Future Proof Sourcing and Procurement

– What can companies do to free up time for sourcing and procurement to focus on value adding tasks in line with corporate strategies?
– Operating model is execution model of Source to Pay process – what should trigger change of the model?
– How to keep people skills relevant in a quickly changing business environment?
– How to move from nice speeches to concrete actions and appropriate resourcing of the change management!
Vesa Kuismanen
Director, Sourcing and Business Transformation
UPM – The Biofore Company
Transition time
Theme Discussions 3Parallel round table discussions
CSDDD – Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – How to integrate smartly into ways of working

– CSDDD is a new regulation that we see as a necessity for our business even without the legal requirement – good for business in terms of shareholders, customers and other stakeholders.
– How should we organise ourselves in order to work better and smarter?
– The legislation is still being clarified – how far should we go? What about Tier-N suppliers?
– What level is good enough? What information do we need about our suppliers and how do we monitor our supplier base?
Vanessa Gisslegård
Procurement Excellence Manager
David Valo
Procurement Excellence Manager
How can procurement build in an adaptive approach to strategy alignment and execution?

– How to stay a relevant partner for company businesses in a very volatile business environment?
– How to incorporate systematic change management model and culture into your procurement operating model design?
– What role does technology play enabling efficiency and value creation?
Vesa Kuismanen
Director, Sourcing and Business Transformation
What do we mean by excellence in procurement – now and ahead?

– What is excellence to You and Your organization?
– How can procurement free up time to have the time to develop further?
– Who are the competencies procurement will need to become those business partners desired?
Daniel Johansson
Global Head Procurement Strategy & Excellence
Unlocking Productivity: Navigating the Procurement Ecosystem

1. Relevance: How crucial is it to have all process and related information in one place?
2. Challenges & Opportunities: Seemingly endless task of mapping, collecting, maintaining, and enhancing global, category-specific, regional, and local information.
3. Staying Agile: Share your experiences with managing governance tasks and other process management learnings.
Mark Gustafson
Program Director, Group Procurement
How do you secure real Supplier Relationship Management?

– What is the biggest challenge in Supplier Relationship Management and how do you secure best performance in Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost?
– How to secure an effective Category Cross-functional Team in Procurement?
– Who is the owner of the Supplier in your Organization? And why?
Nicola Gianluca Raimondi
Head of Supplier Quality Development Governance, Standards, Transformation and Offshore
Theme Discussions 4Same topics as during TD 3
Keynote | How do you develop procurement into a Hero Function?

– What role does processes and the choice of operating model have in creating excellence?
– How can and will technology play a part in enabling focus where focus is needed?
– Who will future procurement professionals be – what type mix of people may be desirable?
Daniel Johansson
Global Head Procurement Strategy & Excellence
17:30End of Day 1
17:45Drinks & Dinner reception!Dinner pre-registration required

October 16th 2024

Approx timingSession overviewSpace & Moderator/Speaker name/s
09:00Opening of Day 2EBG | Network
Panel | AI & GenAI – the Truth, actual use cases, anticipation and corporate considerations

– Where is AI technology on a maturity scale today?
– Real procurement and supply chain use cases in 2024 
– What are the anticipated effects on future procurement operating model considerations?
– Which competences should procurement ad in relation to current realities and future needs?
– How important is data quality (really) and what do companies need to do to secure non bias insights?
– Which data security considerations should companies focus on as systems and data is opened up?
Pontus Sandslätt
Head of Procurement advisory

Patric Olsson
Director, Procurement transformation
Panel | How is corporate sustainability goals translated and executed within procurement? Benchmark sharing of tangible example of Sustainability improvement beyond reporting
Kaisa Mattson
Director Sustainable Sourcing and Human Rights
Panel | How do companies increase and develop supplier relationship management ahead and how does new ways of working affect resource gap challenges, skill-sets needed ahead and operating model considerations?Soile Hammargård
Keynote | 5 years on the road from nothing toward world class – Lessons learned from the journey; successes and pitfalls from Inter IKEA Indirect procurement
How do you go from a self-organized indirect procurement executed in different ways in over 50 legal units spread across the globe, to a high performing, effective, coordinated, future proof and digitized reality?

For the past 5 years Inter IKEA Indirect procurement have gone through a remarkable development focusing on maximizing benefit for the organization, enabling transparency, reducing cost and ensuring compliance to laws and requirements.

Today a center led procurement organization is orchestrating procurement across and Source to Pay suite set up with with standardized process is implemented throughout the organization. The Indirect Procurement team has gone from an idea, to a highly respected and valued department recognized for adding real value.

How did they make the shift?
Joel Andersson
Process development and digitalization project leader – Category Area Indirect Procurement
Inter IKEA Group
Rickard Klasson
Process development and digitalization manager – Category Area Indirect Procurement
Inter IKEA Group
Workshops in parallel held once for 60 minutes each
Workshop | How can companies build a procurement function and sourcing processes that cater for sustainable procurement?

– What does a risk based approach to sustainable sourcing and procurement mean to you and your business?
– In what way can companies develop and scale nTier scanning and follow up?
– What does sustainable sourcing practices mean to supplier relationship management?
Tuukka Farin
Head of Responsible Sourcing
Workshop | Source 2 Pay – Process design and digitalization pitfalls to watch out for

– Processes
– Digitalization &
– Implementation choices
Joel Andersson, Process development and digitalization project leader – Category Area Indirect Procurement, Inter IKEA Group
and Rickard Klasson, Process development and digitalization manager – Category Area Indirect Procurement, Inter IKEA Group
Transition time into main plenum
Keynote | DISOBEDIENCE – Encouraging Disruptive Thinking to reach Excellence

– What is excellence?
– Why the need to disobey status quo?
– What role do You and Your intentions play reaching excellence?
Nicola Gianluca Raimondi
Head of Supplier Quality Development Governance, Standards, Transformation and Offshore
15:15End of CPO Outlook 2024